Saturday, November 22, 2008


I'm doing my usual Saturday morning routine, which involves not eating breakfast until I've balanced my budget spreadsheets. Today, I think I've done some math wrong (or Excel has done some math wrong, which can't be the case) because I have $200 more in my spreadsheets than I do in my actual bank account. I can't figure out why. I just went over my original worksheet and it's all right. All of it. This is SO weird.

Well. If all else fails, at the end of the year I'll either deposit or withdraw from my savings until I get an amount in my checking account that matches what's on my spreadsheets. This shouldn't be so annoying, but it is. I can't figure out where I messed up, or if it's just a result of my credit union not clearing things as soon as they happen. I know exactly what I make every month, I know I can roll over what I don't spend, but I don't know why I'm $200 off and it bothers me.

1 comment:

Giggles said...

I get off some times, but usually because I switch some numbers. But never by $200. I'd guess it's probably the bank not keeping up. That happens a lot too. I hope you figure out where the goof is.