Thursday, April 10, 2008

Not-so-cranky Addendum to the Random Crankiness:

Mr. Mallard, about whom I feared the worst after his collision with the window and subsequent fall to the cement ramp, reappeared a few minutes after I published my last post. I sat there in shock, praying that he was ok, and then I noticed a fat little Mr. Mallard making his way onto the grass of the "amphitheater". He looked around as if he was dazed and disoriented and moved very slowly for a few minutes. I kept looking for signs of a broken wing or foot and when he began to waddle across the grass, I was very afraid that he was limping. Much to my relief, it was only his waddle in the uneven grass. After getting his bearings for a bit, I saw him call out to Mrs. Mallard, who was already in the irrigation/overflow ponds further on. She must have answered him because he waddled further across the grass, checked his angle of flight, spread his wings, and took off--nicely clearing the roof of the Hall of Flags and making it safely to the side of his little ducky wife.

I was quite happy and almost cried again out of sheer relief. I hate to see a happy couple, no matter what the form, break up for any reason.


Giggles said...

Oh. I'm so glad he is okay.

Tropicanna said...

This totally reminded me of a short story by Kate Chopin. Perhaps you've read it? It's called "The Story of an Hour."

It's not about ducks...but the characters are Mr. and Mrs. Mallard. The ending isn't as happy as yours though...just a warning!