Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Things that tick me off today:

People who whine about how they'll never get married. Guess what, bucko? You're not very attractive when you're always complaining about how single and pathetic you are. Knock it off. I'm TIRED of having this conversation with you every other time we talk. Just because I've made peace with the fact that I'm not married yet doesn't mean I've given up. Just because something didn't happen when you wanted it to doesn't mean it won't ever happen.

People who have to have everything repeated to them because they're not paying attention.

People who assume that they can just walk into my office and get what they want.

People who can't spell even though someone else spells their name TWICE.

My stupid neck not staying aligned. I can't figure out why it won't stay adjusted and I hate having to keep paying my chiropractor, much as I love him.

The annoying squeaky sound the AC makes.

People who complain about their new offices even though the new offices are gorgeous, roomy, and light.

And, if I hear one more person tell me that "you should do something about the grates in the floor" or "your office is so hard to find", I will throw something.

Other than that, today's been an awesome day!


Giggles said...

Let's see, date I wanted to get married when I was little - 2 Feb 2002; date I'm actually getting married - 14 Nov 2009. So I was off by almost 8 years. That's not that bad, right?

And I hate just about any squeaky sound something makes. Urg. I hear you on that one. But then, I also hate being so hot I can't think. That's a toss up.

Tropicanna said...

I have missed reading your blog. Thank you!