Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A small list of annoyances upon which I shall elaborate later:

Clear Play DVD players

Ugly jewelry

Historical romance novels

I said it was short. :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

People. Really.

It is very hard for me to pay attention to you when you stand at the extreme corner of my desk where I can't even see you. What happened to walking around to the FRONT of the front desk instead of parking just outside my peripheral vision and getting impatient when I don't turn around because I CAN'T REALLY SEE YOU?

If I didn't have clients in wheelchairs who NEEDED to use the shorter portion of my desk, I'd stack things up along that side so you'd be forced to walk your lazy selves around to the front where I can see you.

HONESTLY. Time to get the plants out of the staff room and strategically place them on my desk. I love people-herding.