Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I think I'm going to adopt the practice of not talking to anyone until their stupid ear-buds are out of their ears and their stupid MP3 player is turned off.

Does that sound good to you? Good.


Katie said...

Amen. As the mother of a 13 year old I fully support that plan. He seems to think that having only one ear in means I have his complete attention... I don't think so. Turn it off, both ears open and look me in the eyes while I am speaking to you. Thank you very much!

Giggles said...

I'm right there with you.

Em said...

It was so fun to see you in "And Then There Were None" last night - you were great! So glad I left my earbuds and MP3 player at home!

Julie Wilding said...

You BETTER blog in November! I am holding you to this!
